I think we are like women anywhere else. I don't think "Sex in the City" is at all a model of women in NY, the only thing that I can say it shows is that NY women do make friends and do remain friends and do go shopping together and do go to lunch together, which I think is a good thing. We are not at all into clothing to the extent they were, who could afford it, nor do we party like they do, we need to sleep. We don't make that much money and we have to get up for work. We come in all sizes and shapes and colors. Some smile more, some are bossy, some are shy, we are like anyone else, we just happen to live in NY, and yes, we are more driven then a lot of other people, because there are more people out there trying to get our jobs, so we may get a little pushy. But eat, our favorite pass time. And yes a lot of women walk around in their Manolos, usually they have one pair and didn't eat for a week or found a sale and fought for them, remember we do have one of the 2 stores in the world and they have 2 sales a year and people stand on line forever. Some people work out, some don't. You say you are 5'6' and a size 6, I would say you were thin, so I don't understand what your problem is, I find that to be on the small side, as I think your sizes are the same as ours, so you can definetly come on down here and not worry, you are not going to stick out like a sore thumb and look like orca the white whale, you will be fine. Have you ever seen the TV show "How I met Your Mother", It stars one Canadian mixed in with a bunch of Americans and how she copes, and it shows the differences and how she finds some of the differences funny and some odd, but she manages. I'm sure you would be the same, NY isn't that hard a place to deal with, don't be afraid, we really are quite nice, and we really don't mind people from all over the world. Come and see.