Read immediately Somerset Maugham's Novel
"RAZOR'S EDGE " or rent the movie in which my
friend Tyrone Power played the leading role ----
You will need it as a Buffer for the many answers
you will get that tell you to stay in New York
where you will find ultimate Happiness at the
end of the Rainbow in this Great City !
It is a great exciting City ---if you are rich and can
afford the Plays on Broadway --the Museums
the Opera and can stay home when there's
steam and ice on the streets and read the
Sunday Times and walk down 5th Ave before
returning to your room at the Plaza !
There is excitement and wonderful living in the
small towns in Kentucky ,or Montana or
Washungton State ot Arizona ----I made a living
as an actor in NYC--in London and lived and
worked in Casablanca, Naples ,Iran, China and
elsewhere----it makes no difference where you
are if you have good health and a loving companion--
Somerset Maugham's young man went on a Spiritual quest
all over the world ---ended up with a belief in the Vedanta
the Indian philosophical system---being at one with the
Absolute---highly educated--a taxi driver--and happy--
and the books Character was taken from life ---in
Maugham's own words ...
Receptionists jobs are the easiest to fill---thank your
boss and try another situation in another place---and
remember that "Life is just a Bowl of Cherries" and
Cherries are in blossom in lots of places---even Japan--
where I am at present with my lovely wife .